Healthy Living Advice

The sunshine is back!

The nice weekends begin! Bring on the gardening, sitting on the deck and enjoying life in the sunshine!

Hydrate yourself on these days if you are spending it outside and don’t forget that peak “burn” times when the sun is the hottest is from 11am till 3pm. There is a lot of debate on sunscreen.  Some claim that using it you can still get cancer, others say the sunscreen itself causes issues.  There are alternative sunscreens out there to the normal chemical ones.

Tanning Tips:

  • Avoid exposure during the hottest part of the day from 11am –3pm.

  • Wear a hat to protect the delicate skin on your scalp.

  • Buy sun-proof swimming gear for kids with long sleeves and legs.

  • Cover up immediately, if you feel even the slightest discomfort.

  • Homeopathy can help you with sunburn and sunstroke!


Most homeopaths carry an effective homeopathic burns creams or ointments. Usually the main ingredient is Urtica urens (nettles). Keep a tube in your beach bag. Homeopathic remedies taken internally are even faster acting.

  • Cantharis 30ch – For sunburn with blistering. Great for other burns too.

  • Belladonna 30ch- Hot throbbing sunburn, sometimes with a throbbing headache.


  • Belladonna 30ch-More extreme sun burn with throbbing headache and photo sensitivity. Also useful in cases of sunstroke.

  • Glonoine 30ch- Sunstroke with mental confusion, violent bursting headache, palpitations, nausea and vomiting.

  • Arsenicum 30ch- Sunstroke with nausea, vomiting and restlessness.

***Remember the best is to stay hydrated with water and go into the shade off and on!

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For information about homeopathy, reflexology, attitude coaching or just have questions about Total Holistic Wellness, please contact us.